

This won’t hurt a bit.


Bat Hughes is one of the alter-egos of Bryce Hughes who likes to pretend this is a secret, until someone offers to pay him or even shows so much interest in his work as to hit up his blog.

He grew up on an old ranch within three miles of the ocean in California and now lives right on the coast a couple hours north of where he started.  He’s been making a living writing non-fiction for a few years under another name and returned to the highs and torments of fiction in 2013 after several years of scrambling after bucks at everything else. Last winter he published his first eBook, the short story Animals of London, an introduction to The Vampire Madam series. The public response lacked the enthusiasm he hoped for, although he’s grateful someone reviewed it on Amazon and a few people popped the 99 cents to check it out.


Okay, if you have to be a writer, there are worse places to do it.

Bat Hughes Harbor

Fog, a requirement for Gothic horror.



Last year he contributed to Apokrupha’s flash fiction horror anthologies Dark Bits and Vignettes From the End of the World, and two of his first drabbles appeared on Specklit.

He’s finishing a Gothic horror novel he wrote during a brief and ultimately catastrophic break from copywriting last winter. Once he finishes double-checking facts about 19th-century murders, Winchester rifles and more historical gew gaws than the average reader could ever care about, he plans to self-publish it. Stay tuned.

When he’s not whoring out copy for bucks, he wonders what possessed him to get a degree in Social Science and follow it up with an MFA in Creative Writing. Dave Barry’s clever book on money assures him the best retirement plan is to obtain a refrigerator carton, presumably to live in.

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Freelance writer retirement home


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